Share With Others!
Share Your Knowledge!
In life, we are all students and all teachers. Each of us has something to offer others, to help them along their path. What bit of knowledge or insight would you like to share with our visitors?
- How do you read tarot cards, mirror scrying, pendulum dowsing, etc? Favorite spreads, tools, etc.
- Do you have a favorite recipe for an herbal bath, oil blend, incense, etc.?
- Have you made your own athame, robe, or magical inks?
- Read any good arts & crafts, or metaphysical books lately? Any BAD?
- Do you have a favorite arts & craft project?
- Have you designed your own guided meditation?
- Do you dabble with poetry?
- Do you have a tip for using a crystal, aromatherapy, getting rid of negative energies?
- Do you have a ghost in your home or at grandma's? Tell us your ghost story.
- etc.
These are just SOME of the types of things you might be able to share with others. Trust me, everyone has something they know that can help others.
This can be something as simple as a one line tip, or a lengthy article on "how to" or "about" some subject.
Share home made craft projects, an item on almost any new age, occult, or metaphysical subject, or an inclusion in our online book of shadows.
Don't worry, if you are not a great writer. The important thing is the information, not how it is presented. We can easily make grammar and spelling corrections, etc.
We appreciate all contributions and are happy to provide a link back to your page if your item is published. If you would like to share some "Learn Stuff", please send it to us, here. Thanks!